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Huge shoutout to our awesome volunteers for getting the boat squeaky clean and decorated ahead of the parade in Miltown Malbay!
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The Burren Sub Aqua Club has been training swimmers in snorkelling, sub-aqua diving and related activities for over thirty years. Our membership is varied in age (18 to 68), in gender (55/45 male/female) and national origin.
We have a long history of community involvement, stretching back to supporting Cuban asylum seekers in the 90’s. We continue to be active in local search and recovery incidents where called upon by the local authorities. We welcome the opportunity to support arrivals from Ukraine and other countries. While snorkelling and sub-aqua diving require participants to be competent swimmers, the Club organizes supervised snorkels and winter pool training for those interested exploring the many underwater attractions of County Clare. While within the club there is some basic equipment available (masks, fins etc.), it would be necessary for guests to at least have their own wet-suits or semi-dry suits (at least 5mm) to enjoy the cooler waters of our coasts. For those who are interested in going further, membership of the Irish Underwater Council is a requirement for Sub-Aqua clubs in Ireland. For further information, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Акваклуб Burren Sub Aqua Club вже понад тридцять років навчає сноркелінгу, пірнанню з аквалангом та пов'язаними з ними видами підводного плавання. Члени нашого клубу різняться за віком (від 18 до 68 років), за статтю (55/45 чоловіків/жінок) та національністю. Ми маємо довгу історію участі в житті спільноти, починаючи з підтримки кубинських біженців у 90-х роках. Ми активно допомагаємо місцевій владі в справах, пов'язаних із підводним пошуком, коли до нас звертаються. Ми вітаємо можливість підтримати усіх тих, хто прибуває з України та інших країн. Сноркелінг та підводне плавання з аквалангом вимагають, щоб учасники були хорошими плавцями. Тому клуб організує заняття сноркелінгом у зимовому басейні під наглядом кваліфікованих тренерів для тих, хто зацікавлений у вивченні підводних пам'яток графства Клер. Хоча у клубі є базове спорядження (маски, трубки, ласти тощо), але гостям необхідно мати як мінімум власні мокрі або напівсухі гідрокостюми (товщиною не менше 5 мм), щоб насолоджуватися більш холодними водами нашого узбережжя. Для тих, хто зацікавлений піти далі, членство в Ірландському Союзі підводного плавання (CFT) є обов'язковою вимогою для акваклубів в нашій країні. Для отримання додаткової інформації, зв'яжіться з нами за електронною поштою This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Сноркелінг, снорклінг (нім. Schnorchel — дихальна трубка) — вид плавання під поверхнею води з маскою і дихальною трубкою і, зазвичай, з ластами. У холодній воді плавець може бути одягнений у гідрокостюм. Використання цього спорядження дозволяє плавцеві спостерігати за підводними краєвидами впродовж тривалого часу з мінімальними зусиллями.
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Interested in snorkeling or scuba diving? Are you already a scuba diver or are you interested in learning how to dive? Our training and activity for the new season will be announced soon. Keep in touch here and on our social media channels for updates. Please contact us if you have any questions via social media DM, email or text us!
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Karen Galvin from Quilty is fundraising for the Burren SAC Search and Recovery Unit.
Members of the Search and Recovery Unit use their skills (scuba diving, snorkelling), local knowledge and equipment to assist in search and recovery operations throughout the region.
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St Patrick's Day 2015 saw three of our trainees doing their open water snorkel tests at White Strand. Congratulations and well done to Emmet Lundy, Kirill Rybalchenko and Ewelina Bialecka. Thanks also to instructors James McMahon, Mary O'Donnell and Caroline Hartigan. Mark Gray was practicing for his 10m duck dives for the Leading Diver.
The next step for the trainees is the shallow water dives, hopefully starting next weekend.
From left to right: Emmet Lundy, James McMahon, Mark Gray, Ewelina Bialecka, Kirill Rybalchenko, Mary O'Donnell, Caroline Hartigan
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At the AGM on Sunday evening, the new Committee for 2015 was elected as follows:
From left to right:
Cormac McMahon, Treasurer; Bernie Mullins, PR Officer; James McMahon, Equipment Officer; Maura Brooks, Secretary; John Underhill, Chairman; David Hillery, Diving Officer; Aiden Corry, Training Officer.
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Welcome to our new look website. This picture of a crayfish was taken by
James McMahon on a dive at Ailleenasharragh at the Cliffs of Moher on 7 September.
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Congratulations to our new MON2s: John Underhill, Caroline Hartigan, Mary O'Donnell.
For the final stage of the process of becoming a MON2, they assisted in the assessment of this year's MON1 candidates in Dublin on 22 March.
[A MON2 is an experienced instructor who can teach and examine divers up to Mon1.]
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The Friday morning snorkel took place in Quilty this time. Our trainees Martin, Sean and Donal did their first snorkels with James, Mary and Caroline.
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The first snorkel of the year took place today, Sunday 9 February, at Lough Inchiquin. The water was 6-7 degrees C, so we were glad that we had wrapped up well.
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At a presentation in Hillery's Bar in Milltown Malbay, the Search and Recovery Section of the Burren Sub Aqua Club was recently presented with a cheque from the John Minogue Memorial race held on 11 February last.
The proceeds were shared between the William Winder Rainbow Foundation, The Brothers of Charity and the Search&Recovery section of the Burren Sub Aqua Club.
On the picture: Gerard Minogue, James McMahon, Patrick Kelly, Francis Minogue
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Well done to our trainees who are now getting into their scuba gear to do their first shore dives with our instructors.
Not long now until we'll get the boat out again.
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The recent Search and Recovery Course in Limerick and Killaloe resulted in 8 new Search and Recovery Divers and 2 Search and Recovery Instructors.
Well done to all. A very worthwhile course, not only for the divers themselves but also for the community.
Thanks to Cieran Enright and Richard Roche for delivering the course.
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Today, six Burren instructors had an early start in Ballyvaughan to launch the club boat for the
Diver Coxn Instructor Course.
After a week of tumultuous weather and turbulent seas, the calmness of Ballyvaughan was a welcome change.
Well done to Mary O'Donnell, Alexandra McMahon, Caroline Hartigan, John Underhill, David Hillery, Cormac McMahon
for completing the course and earning another certificate for their collection.
Many thanks for Paul Maloney and Thomas Hoey for coming over from Dublin to deliver the lectures and do the
No doubt, with all the new instructors itching to get going .... there will be a Diver Coxn Course on the cards very soon.
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The first snorkel of the year will be at White Strand on Sunday morning 11.00 am.
Please book in with Mary O'Donnell.
Keeping fingers crossed for pleasant weather. See you all there.